Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Personal hygiene.

Personal hygiene is the same thing as coivid-19 it means washing your hands when you go to the toilet and when you come from the playground because you’ve been touching stuff and all the germs have come on your hands.

When you eat lunch, always wash your hands for 20 seconds to get all the germs out and don’t share drinking cups because another person has used it.

 Wash your hands often with soap because when you wash your hand just with water your hands won’t be clean properly and that's why we wash our hands with soap.

When you use tissues put it into the bin and when people are coughing stay away from them or if they are sick that's why you wash your hands and stay two meters away from people.

Personal hygiene.

                                           Personal hygiene is the same as covid 19.

Monday, 18 May 2020

Today first day of school after the lock down.

                                                    Today was a fun day like always.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Vodafone warriors.

                                          What is your favourite rugby player. Let me know.

Favourite Recipe. What is your favourite recipe.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020


                                              I loved doing this because it was fun.